Recommended Links
Spay & Neuter
HELP! FIX ME Maine's Low Cost Spay/Neuter Program Let us help you fix your cat or dog. There aren't homes enough for all of them. If you can't afford to fix your cat or dog, call 1-800-367-1317 or (207) 287-7621. You can have your cat fixed for $10, and your dog fixed for $20.
You may be eligible for the State's low cost spay/neuter program. If you receive or are eligible for one of the following programs...
- Food Stamps
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Social Security Disability (SSD)
- Maine Care (Medicaid)
NH Low Cost Spay/Neuter Programs
Maine & New England
Save Our Strays (Maine)
Venetian Cat Studio (1/2 of all sales donated to VFA and NH Humane Society)
New Hampshire Animal Rights League
New England Breed Rescues A comprehensive list of dog rescue organizations, by breed. Compiled by the Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue.
Friends of Feral Felines (Portland, ME)
Maine Friends of Animals
Maine Animal Coalition
Boston Ecofeminist Action
Doris Day Animal League
Wildlife Alliance of Maine
Another Chance Animal Rescue
Maine Federation of Humane Societies
New England Federation of Humane Societies
Safe Haven Humane Society
New England Equine Rescues
New England Equine Rescue - North, Inc.
New Hampshire Horse Rescue
Maine Mustang Rescue
Maine Equine Welfare Coalition
Rabbit Information and Rescue
Rabbit Information and Rescue -
Rabbit Information and Rescue -
Boston dog walkers Located in Boston, we offer pet sitting services for dogs, cats, rabbits and other small animals. For students who are interested in becoming a Veterinarian Technician
Maine Lost Cat Recovery
Maine Lost Dog Recovery
Granite State Dog Recovery
Disaster Preparedness
Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)
Around the Country
Alley Cat Allies
American Anti-Vivisection Society
Best Friends
Compassion Over Killing
Feminists for Animal Rights
The Great Ape Project
The United Animal Nations
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
The Humane Society of the United States
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Farm Sanctuary
Farm Animal Reform Movement
Planet Pets
Green People Lots to links to information and animal welfare organizations.
Animal Welfare Institute
United Poultry Concerns (UPC)
International Primate Protection League
International Fund for Animal Welfare
Friends of Animals
Fund for Animals
American Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights
Minnesota's Shame
Cats With No Name (links to rescue groups across the nation)
The Dolphin Project
Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary in Maryland (Database of pet abuse cases)
Anti-Chaining: Dogs Deserve Better
In Defense of Animals
Promoting Respect for Coyotes - Tips for living safely with coyotes Thousands of articles on animal health
Peacee Ridge Animal Sanctuary
Around the World
Concern for Helping Animals in Israel
World Animal Net The world's largest database of animal protection societies, with over 13,000
listings and more than 6,000 links to Web Sites.
International Animal Rescue: Animal Rescue Projects
International Fund for Animal Welfare
Adoption Web Sites
Pet Finder
Pet Finder Dog Breed List
Registration & Recovery Services
Companion Animal Recovery
Microchip Manufacturers
Sirius Salute (only canine known to lose his life in the attack on New York) To purchase a poster of him at www.ronburns.comUSDA Missing Pets Network
Animal Welfare Laws
Maine Dept. of Ag's Animal Welfare Program
Maine Animal Welfare Laws
New Hampshire Animal Welfare Laws
Animal Welfare Laws and Statutes
Feline CRF (Chronic renal failure)Vaccination / injection site carcinoma infoFeline Diet info ... scroll down for the diseases resulting from feeding Feline IBD (inflammatory bowel disease)
Canine Diabetes
Feline Diabetes
Blue Buffalo- From Food to Grooming
The Animals' Agenda
Animals Voice Online network for animal rights and its defenders.
Animal Friendly / Activist / Health Products
PETA MallAnimal Right Stuff
Green Hope Essences Flower essence products and other animal wellness goods.
Dixie Diner Healthy junk food, more than 100 soy products. Pet products that support rescues
Vegetarian / Vegan Resources
The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG)
The Viva Vegie Society
Christian Vegetarian AssociationJewish Vegetarians of North America
Vegan cooking with pressure cookers